About: Another day

Another Day is an on-running short fiction project in which a new story released every week. Each story evolves from the substance of those which came before and although each individual story is self-contained, over the year that the project runs these edits will themselves will form part of a meta narrative. One story told out of many.

A collaboration between Mexican digital artist, Eric Fanghanel, and British author, Sophie Langridge, Part collection of short stories, part novel, part blog and part art installation, Another Day seeks to toy with traditional ideas of authorship and publishing, exploring the area between art and storytelling and the opportunities the internet provides for new forms of expression.

Any piece of creative work is a process and no finished piece appears, fully formed, out of nowhere. To create is to work, to edit, to shape, to make mistakes and learn from them. It is a journey, feeling blindly towards an end goal. Sometimes we arrive, sometimes we don’t.

Another Day will be published weekly from January 2016 until December 2016. We would love to have guest authors and artists contribute to the project so please get in touch if you’d like to be involved at me@ericfanghanel.com

Another day: week one
Another day: week two
Another day: week three
Another day: week four
Another day: week five
Another day: week six
Another day: week seven
Another day: week eight
Another day: week nine
Another day: week ten
Another day: week eleven
Another day: week twelve
Another day: week thirteen
Another day: week fourteen
Another day: week fifteen
Another day: week sixteen
Another day: week seventeen
Another day: week eighteen
Another day: week nineteen
Another day: week twenty
Another day: week twentyone